Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Ahmadiyya - The Chanda Cult

Ahmadiyya, like other dangerous cults, has its own money making strategy called Chanda. Most of the gullible followers of this cult are told this is essentially like Zakat (the obligatory amount due on savings over a certain amount, at the end of the year, usually no more than 2.5%, that must be paid to the poor), but with no reference to it in either the Quran or Sunnah, and with a base amount of 6.5% it is most certainly not Zakat, nor is it used to benefit the poor. It is essentially a mimic of the tithe system employed by corrupt pastors seeking to make a quick buck.

This website has some more to say about chanda. And this website offers an interesting analysis:

There are abundance of donations in Jamaat Ahmadiyya. Every Ahmadi is bound to pay 6% of his earnings as CHANDA AAM. It is a compulsory payment, non-payment is shown as a balance to be paid later in his account. If an Ahmadi refuses to pay CHANDA, he ceases to be an Ahmadi, although CHANDA is an optional thing whose amount is not fixed, a person can give as much as he can afford, whereas TAX is fixed and payment compulsory, non-payment will be shown as a balance in payment and it will never finish.

* Apart from CHANDA AAM, there is:
* CHANDA SAD SALA JUBILEE (this has now been finished)
* CHANDA KHUDDAMUL AHMADIYYA (CHANDA MAJLIS) which is applicable to young people.
* CHANDA TAMEER HALL (this hall was constructed in 1973 but the chanda collection still goes on)
* CHANDA DISH ANTENNA (Ahmadiyya TV Network)
* CHANDA LAJNA AMA'ALLAH (applicable on females)
* CHANDA ATFAAL (applicable on children)
* CHANDA ANSAAR (applicable to people over 40)
* etc. etc.

In short, an Ahmadi has to give at least 10% of his earnings every month. There is a voluntary system of collecting the CHANDAS in which the collector does not get any commission. It is unlikely that anywhere this kind of system will be found. Two three times a year different inspectors of different CHANDAS come from the center to audit the accounts and make sure that the amount received is sent to the center (Chanabnagar - Rabwah). Because of this monetary system, Jamaat is accused of being an organized Jamaat, even though there is no system, no laws or regulations and no principles. There is only a system of collecting donations. Had there not been such an organized collection of CHANDAS, today the PRINCES of MIRZA SAHEB's family would not have several murabba lands (approx 1 murabba = 25 acres) nor would they have been spending luxurious and ostentatious lives.

1 comment:

  1. It's all about money...In my opinion, if a particular religion is true, it will survive without any money included. I do not mind praying in a cave, as it is the prayer itself that makes sense, not the building I pray in. I will read your blog from the very beginning.
    Greetings from ireland,
