Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What did Mirza Ghulam Ahmad think of Jesus?

We would not normally post the blasphemies of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad but believe it is important for our Christian neighbours to understand what the Ahmadiyya cult really teaches.

These writings are translations from the Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's 'Roohani Khazain'. Please note that very few of Mirza's works have been translated into English because of the inconsistencies, blasphemies and lies contained in them - better it seems to keep the willful, mindless followers in the dark.

Mirza Insults the Family of Jesus(pbuh)

· "Jesus's three paternal and maternal grandmothers were fornicators and
prostitutes, from whose blood Jesus came into existence." ( Anjam-i-Atham, Roohany Khazaen , Vol. 11, P. 291 , addenda; Anjam-i-
Atham, P. 9, appendix)
· "You may have tried to find a solution to my claims about the Messiah's
parental and maternal grandmothers. I am tired of thinking. Up to now, no
nice solution has occurred to me. What a glorious god is he whose paternal
and maternal grandmothers are of such repute?"
(Nur-ul-Quran, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 9, P. 394; Nur-ul-Quran, Vol. 2, P.
· "Islam, unlike Christianity, does not teach us that God was born of a woman -
and was fed by sucking blood from the womb of his mother for nine months -
the blood which had the qualities of prostitutes like the daughters of Saba,
Tamar, and Rabah."
(Anjam-e-Athum, P. 41)
· "Jesus had an inclination for prostitutes perhaps due to his ancestral
relationship with them..."
( Anjam-i-Atham , Roohany Khazaen , Vol. 11, P. 291 , addenda)

Mirza Insults Mary(RA)
· "Mary's eminence is such that she put off her marriage for a long time, but after constant pressure of the community leaders, and due to her pregnancy,
she accepted to get married. However, people raise objection about how she
could have been married while pregnant, that being against the teachings of
the Torah. People also object to Mary breaching the oath of celibacy. People
also question why Mary set the foundation of polygamy. In other words, why
did Mary agree to marry Joseph the carpenter, despite his being already
married." (Kasthi-i-Nuh, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 19, P. 18; Kasthi-i-Nuh, P. 26)
· "Mary's hanging out with her fiancee Joseph before wedlock is a strong
testimony of an Israelite custom.... Going out with fiancees among people in
some frontier tribes had exceeded the limits to such an extent that sometimes
pregnancy comes before wedlock, yet it is not looked down upon." (Ayyam-ul-Sulh, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 14, P. 300)
· "... Because the Messiah, son of Mary, had worked as a carpenter with his
father Joseph for twenty two years, we know that he was able to invent different sorts of machines and instruments." (Azalah-i-Auham, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 3, P. 254)
· "Jesus's three paternal and maternal grandmothers were fornicators and
prostitutes, from whose blood Jesus came into existence." [See: Mirza Insults
the family of Jesus (pbuh )] (Anjam-i-Atham, Roohany Khazaen , Vol. 11, P. 291 , addenda)
· "Jesus, The Messiah, had four brothers and two sisters; all of them were his
real brothers and sisters. I mean that they all were the offspring of Joseph
and Mary." (Kashti-i-Nuh, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 19, P. 18)

We hope that everyone can readily see what Mirza Ghulam is insinuating here:
· It was common among Jews to go out with their fiancee and have premarital
· Mary(RA) was a Jew and used to go out with her fiancee, Joseph;
· Mary(RA) broke her oath of celibacy (had multiple children);
· Joseph was the Father of Jesus(pbuh);
· Jesus(pbuh) had Paternal grandmothers (did Jesus(pbuh) even have a father?);
· Jesus(pbuh) had brothers/sisters and all were the children of Joseph and Mary(RA).

For those interested in reading more of Mirza's vile blasphemies you can download the book here.

Catholics and other Christian/religious groups in Ireland should be aware of this groups deviant ideology, their vile beliefs about Jesus and Mary and their dishonest approach to dialogue.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Ex-Ahmadi Leader Speaks out Against the Cult

Another high profile Ahmadi, Muzaffar Ahmad of the German 'Jamaat', has denounced Ahmadiyyat and embraced Islam, according to the Daily Ummat report. In the Bayan he exposes the lies of the Ahmedi Jamaat. He has converted to Ahlus Sunnat Wal Jamaat.


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad - The Imposter of Qadian

30 Liars

Dearest brothers and sisters, how truthful the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalm was when he said:
“In my Ummah, 30 liars will be born. Each will claim Prophethood and claim to be a Prophet, even though I am the last Prophet and there shall be no Prophet after me.
(Abu Dawood)

According to his prophecy, many liars claiming to be the Prophet have already appeared and will keep on appearing until the last to appear will be Dajjal.

The Final Hour

Hadhrat Samurah ibn Jundab Radiallahu Anhu reports that the HolyProphet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalm said in the sermon he delivered on the same day, there was a solar eclipse:
That the final hour will not come until 30 liars will appear (and claim Prophethood). The last of the liars will be the one eyed Dajjal.(Ahmed)

These lairs began to appear at the very time of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalm. Their aim was to create disunity among the Muslims. Some of these liars that claimed Prophethood in the past are listed below.

1. Aswad al Anasse – Claimed Prophethood whilst the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalm was still alive. The Sahâbâh Radiallahu Anhum killed him before the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalm passed away.
2. In the later part of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalm life Musailama claimed Prophethood. The Holy Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalm wrote a letter to him and named him Musailamah al Kazzab (the liar). Many Sahâbâh Radiallahu Anhum gave their lives in the battle of Yamaamah which took place at the time of Hadhrat Abu Bakr Radiallahu Anhu to kill Musailamah and his followers.
3. A woman called Sajah also claimed Prophethood and married Musailamah. However, when he was killed, she accepted Islam again.
4. Al Haarith al Kazzab claimed Prophethood in the Khilafah of Abdul Malik ibn Marwaan. He was also killed.

There have been others like Mukhtar ibn Ubaid. However, the more recent liar was Ghulam Ahmad al Qadiani.

Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani

Mirza Gulam, besides claiming to be the Mahdi, the Promised Messiah, also claimed to be the Prophet in 1901. He was born in a village called Qadian (Northern India) in 1839. His fathers name was Gulam Mustafa whilst his mothers name was Chiraagh.

Resistence Movement and Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani

India at the time was ruled by the British colonial regime. The war of independence of 1857 and the holy struggle of Sayyed Ahmed Saeed (One of our pious elders) frightened and scared the colonialist. Because the colonialist were facing difficulties in India they sought for an alternative to real Islam and disunite the Muslims and remove the notion of resistence in the Muslims. They saw that their target and aim could only be achieved if they can find somebody amongst the Indians to claim to be a prophet. The colonialists found in Mirza what they were looking for; Mirza Ghulam sold his faith for petty worldly gains and claimed to be a prophet, the Mahdi and the promised messiah.

Read the following conditions laid down by the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalm regarding the Mahdi and The Promised Messiah and then decide for yourself whether he was the Mahdi and the promised messiah or an impostor.

Comparison Between Mirza Gulam Ahmad and the True Mahdi

1. The Mahdi will be a descendent of the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalm He will resemble the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalm in character and his name will be Muhammad and his father’s name will be Abdullah. The Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalm said:
“The Mahdi will appear from my progeny.”(Abu Dawûd)

2. The Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalm said:
“There will be a man from Tranxonia who will be called Haris-Harrath. There will be a man named Mansoor at his vanguard. He will give abode for the family of Muhammad (referring to the Mahdi) just as the Quraish gave abode to the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalm. (Mishkat)

This sign also did not appear before Mirza Gulam as the only people had paved the way for him was the British Colonial Government and not Haris or Mansoor. The Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalm said:
“His name will be similar to my name and his fathers name will be similar to my fathers name. (Abu Dawûd)

Mirza Gulam was not a descendant of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalm and nor did he resemble the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalm in character. Drinking wine, eating pork and associating with woman was Mirza's habit. His name was Ghulam Ahmad whiles his fathers name was Ghulam Mustafa and not Abdullah as it should have been if he was the true Mahdi.

3. The Muslims will make Bai’at with the Mahdi in Makkah near the Ka’aba. The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalm said:
“Some people of Makkah will come to him (Mahdi) and will take him out though he will be unwilling. Then they will make him accept their Bai’at between the black stone and the place of Ibrahim.(Abu Dawûd)

Nobody ever made Bai’at with Mirzah Ghulam in Makkah.

4. After Bai’at an army will be sent from Syria to fight the true Mahdi and the earth will swallow this army before it reaches him. The Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalm said:
“An army will then be sent to fight with him from Syria. The army will perish in Baydah between Makkah and Madinah(Abu Dawûd)

No army ever came to Mirza Ghulam and thus never perished.

5. The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalm has informed us:
The true Mahdi will fill the world with justice and equality and the inhabitants of the heavens and the earth will be pleased with him(Musnad Ahmad).

The only people pleased with Mirza Ghulam were the British Colonialists. He displeased one billion Muslims by insulting our beloved Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalm by claming Prophethood and making a mockery of the Qur’ân and Hadith.

6. We have been told in many Ahâdith that the Dajjal will appear in the time of Mahdi and ‘Isa (A.S) will descend to earth to kill him. It has been over 80 years since his death, yet the Dajjal has still not emerged and nor has ‘Isa (A.S) descended.

I am sure by now you have come to the conclusion that Mirza Ghulam was not the true Mahdi; referred to in the Ahâdith.

Mirza Ghulam and the Real Messiah

We can learn from the Hadith of Nawas Bin Sam’an Radiallahu Anhu which can be found in Muslim Shareef (the second most authentic book after the Holy Qur’ân) and from the Hadith of Abu Ummamah Al-Bahilee Radiallahu Anhu which can be found in Ibn Majah, the following regarding the Promised Messiah:
1. The Promised Messiah’s name is ‘Isa (A.S) and his mothers name was Maryam.
2. The Mahdi and the Dajjal will have already appeared before his descension.
3. He will descend from the heavens to the white minaret in the east of Damascus wearing two garments slightly dyed with saffron and his hands will be placed on the wings of two Angels.
4. Every Kaafir (disbeliever) who smells his breath will die and his breath will reach as far as he can see.
5. He will kill the Dajjal at the Eastern gate of Ludd.
6. The barbarious tribe of Gog Magog will appear in his time and the promised Massiah will take the believers to mount Tur for their protection.
7. He will elevate the Islamic religion by breaking the cross and putting an end to Christianity.
8. The Jews and Christians will believe on him before his death.
9. He will kill the pigs and the Christians consider Halal it to eat and non-Muslims will not have to pay tax.
10. Wars will cease at his time, as everybody will be in complete agreement with one another.
11. There will be so much wealth that the receiving of Sadaqa will be discarded as everybody will have enough wealth of his own.
12. In his time, all harmful animals will be made harmless and the venom will be taken out from all venomous animals. A child will put his hand in a snake’s mouth and it will not harm him, a girl will be able to chase a lion away and it will not harm her.
13. The earth will spout with vegetation and will produce fruits so abundantly that a large group of people will gather to eat a bunch of grapes or one pomegranate, and it will suffice them.
14. From the Hadith of Abu Hurairah Radiallahu Anhu in Muslim, we learn that the promised Messiah will perform Hajj and Umrah from a place called Rawha.
15. From the Hadith of Abdullah Bin Amr Radiallahu Anhu we learn that he will get buried next to the Holy Prophet ?.

None of the above conditions were fulfilled by Mirza Ghulam. His name was Ghulam Ahmad and not ‘Isa, he was the son of Chiragh and not Maryam. The Mahdi and the Dajjal did not appear before him and thus there is no question in him killing Dajjal. He did not descend from the heavens nor did any Kaafir die from his breath.

The tribes of Gog Magog did not appear in his time nor did the Jews and Christians believe in him before his death. He did not elevate Islam but insulted it by claiming to be the Mahdi, the Messiah and a Prophet. He didn’t kill the pigs but enjoyed eating it. Wars did not cease in his time as the Muslims were struggling against the colonialists in India. The receiving of Sadqah was not discarded nor was venom taken out of venomous animals in his time. He never performed Hajj or Umrah and died in a toilet.

I am sure by now you have easily come to the conclusion that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was not the promised Messiah the Mahdi or a Prophet, but was an impostor and a liar. His aim and purpose in life was to keep the colonialists happy, those who made him and nourished him with evil ideas to confuse and disunite the Muslims.


The Qadiani/Ahmadiyya Movement

Definition: Qadianiyyah is a movement that started in 1900CE as a plot by the British colonialists in the Indian subcontinent, with the aim of diverting Muslims away from their religion and from the obligation of jihaad in particular, so that they would not oppose colonialism in the name of Islam. The mouthpiece of this movement is the magazine Majallat Al-Adyaan (Magazine of Religions) which was published in English.

Foundation and prominent personalities: Mirza Ghulam Ahmad al-Qadiani(1839-1908 CE) was the main tool by means of which Qadianiyyah was founded.

He was born in the village of Qadian, in the Punjab, in India, in 1839 CE. He
came from a family that was well known for having betrayed its religion and
country, so Ghulam Ahmad grew up loyal and obedient to the colonialists in every
sense. Thus he was chosen for the role of a so-called prophet, so that the
Muslims would gather around him and he would distract them from waging jihaad
against the English colonialists. The British government did lots of favours for
them, so they were loyal to the British. Ghulam Ahmad was known among his
followers to be unstable, with a lot of health problems and dependent on drugs.
Among those who confronted him and his evil da’wah was Shaykh Abu’l-Wafa’
Thana’ al-Amritsari, the leader of Jama’iyyat Ahl al-Hadeeth fi ‘Umoom al-Hind
(The All-India Society of Ahl al-Hadeeth). The Shaykh debated with him and
refuted his arguments, revealing his ulterior motives and Kufr and the deviation
of his way. When Ghulam Ahmad did not come to his senses, Shaykh Abu’l-Wafa’
challenged him to come together and invoke the curse of Allaah, such that the
one who was lying would die in the lifetime of the one who was telling the truth.
Only a few days passed before Mirza Ghulam Ahmad al-Qadiani died, in 1908 CE,
leaving behind more than fifty books, pamphlets and articles, among the most
important of which are: Izaalat al-Awhaam (Dispelling illusions), I’jaaz Ahmadi
(Ahmadi miracles), Baraaheen Ahmadiyyah (Ahmadi proofs), Anwaar al-Islam
(Lights of Islam), I’jaaz al-Maseeh (Miracles of the Messiah), al-Tableegh
(Conveying (the message))and Tajalliyyaat Ilaahiyyah (Divine manifestations).

Read more of this fascinating insight into the Qadiani/Ahmadiyya cult here.

Irish people are of course aware of what the British are capable of in terms of instability and should view with some suspicion a group with such close links to Ireland's former colonial master.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Ahmadiyya - The Chanda Cult

Ahmadiyya, like other dangerous cults, has its own money making strategy called Chanda. Most of the gullible followers of this cult are told this is essentially like Zakat (the obligatory amount due on savings over a certain amount, at the end of the year, usually no more than 2.5%, that must be paid to the poor), but with no reference to it in either the Quran or Sunnah, and with a base amount of 6.5% it is most certainly not Zakat, nor is it used to benefit the poor. It is essentially a mimic of the tithe system employed by corrupt pastors seeking to make a quick buck.

This website has some more to say about chanda. And this website offers an interesting analysis:

There are abundance of donations in Jamaat Ahmadiyya. Every Ahmadi is bound to pay 6% of his earnings as CHANDA AAM. It is a compulsory payment, non-payment is shown as a balance to be paid later in his account. If an Ahmadi refuses to pay CHANDA, he ceases to be an Ahmadi, although CHANDA is an optional thing whose amount is not fixed, a person can give as much as he can afford, whereas TAX is fixed and payment compulsory, non-payment will be shown as a balance in payment and it will never finish.

* Apart from CHANDA AAM, there is:
* CHANDA SAD SALA JUBILEE (this has now been finished)
* CHANDA KHUDDAMUL AHMADIYYA (CHANDA MAJLIS) which is applicable to young people.
* CHANDA TAMEER HALL (this hall was constructed in 1973 but the chanda collection still goes on)
* CHANDA DISH ANTENNA (Ahmadiyya TV Network)
* CHANDA LAJNA AMA'ALLAH (applicable on females)
* CHANDA ATFAAL (applicable on children)
* CHANDA ANSAAR (applicable to people over 40)
* etc. etc.

In short, an Ahmadi has to give at least 10% of his earnings every month. There is a voluntary system of collecting the CHANDAS in which the collector does not get any commission. It is unlikely that anywhere this kind of system will be found. Two three times a year different inspectors of different CHANDAS come from the center to audit the accounts and make sure that the amount received is sent to the center (Chanabnagar - Rabwah). Because of this monetary system, Jamaat is accused of being an organized Jamaat, even though there is no system, no laws or regulations and no principles. There is only a system of collecting donations. Had there not been such an organized collection of CHANDAS, today the PRINCES of MIRZA SAHEB's family would not have several murabba lands (approx 1 murabba = 25 acres) nor would they have been spending luxurious and ostentatious lives.

Life after the Cult

Shahid Kamal Ahmad, a former Ahmadi offers some sound advice to those contemplating leaving the cult of Ahmadiyya. You can download his suggestions by clicking on this link. It is important for you to know there is a way out and there are people who can help.

Ahmadiyya and Women

You may have thought that the old sexist ways of thinking about women were gone, but one cult still reveres the sex object ideal. In one of his many sexual musings, and he had many, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad writes the following:

The translation of which reads:

For instance if a wife becomes unattractive because of age or some disease. Then the performing strength of man becomes useless which consequently affects the performance of woman. However, if a man is ugly it does not harm the woman because he has the key to the intercourse and man is the one who satisfies the women. However, if the man is impotent, then the women can take divorce as per Quranic injunction.(A'ina Kamalat Islam 282)

We don't know which is more disturbing, the fact that the value of women is reduced to the sex act, that they must be beautiful while men don't have to bother or that the Ahmadi site this came from actually sees this as a sign of respect????????

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Ahmadiyya and Women

Did you know that Ahmadi women are not allowed to marry non-Ahmadis? Did you also know that women who have dared break this taboo have been ostracized by the Ahmadi community, cast out, abandoned and sometimes much worse has happened. Did you know that the Ahmadi cult has a matchmaking service to ensure that no one looks outside the narrow confines of the cult for companionship. Did you also know that only a man can be the head of this matchmaking service, which does make you wonder what say Ahmadi women have in the whole affair. Given Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's views on women we don't think it's very much at all.

Ahmadi Lovebombing

Critics of cults often point to the phenomenon of 'lovebombing' - a disingenuous show of affection and love designed to influence, convert and manipulate - as evidence of the dangers these movements pose, and the Ahmadi cult is no exception.

If you're a lonely, isolated and rather mediocre person, cultists will latch on to your vulnerabilities. They'll praise the mundane, extol the ordinary and glorify the banal, rather uneventful YOU, until you start believing it and eventually depending on it.

Then they'll marry you off to one of their women (who themselves cannot marry outside the cult) and before you know it you've been snared. You'll be put forward as spokesperson because you can speak English, even if you really can't write it and soon you'll have said so much in defense of the cult that the pride in you will not allow you to go against anything, even if it is plainly wrong.

You have now entered the soulless state of cultism - Ahmadiyya defined.

For more information on the Ahmadiyya cult, please click here: The Cult.info

The Ahmadi Cult Mindset - Protecting the Leaders

On a very well known anti-cult site, the following destructive cult dynamics are highlighted with regard to leaders within such dangerous movements.

* What types of people become leaders of unsafe and/or destructive groups?

Many cult leaders seem to be narcissistic personalities often fantasizing about messianic visions that will change the course of human history, while appearing to have little if any conscience. Some make claims that they are the exclusive voice of God, "psychic" connections to historical figures, or aliens from outer space. Often these leaders seem deeply delusional and disturbed and some have been called psychopaths. Marshall Applewhite, the leader of "Heaven's Gate" was once confined to a mental hospital.

Extreme examples of destructive and delusional behavior by cult leaders such as Jim Jones, David Koresh and Shoko Asahara have caused many mental health professionals to question their sanity. Still others simply may be opportunistic con men or women, exploiting their followers for personal profit and self-interest.

* What kind of relationship do destructive group leaders have with their followers?

The leadership most often defines what is right and wrong and group followers are essentially expected to defer making meaningful value judgments regarding almost any issue of significant importance. And any member of the group who questions or doubts the authority of the leader is likely to be labeled wrong, rebellious, suppressive, negative and in some situations even "demon possessed" or "satanic".

No area of a member or follower's life appears to be immune from such a group's scrutiny and/or criticism. A kind of learned dependency often develops. Group followers appear highly dependent upon their leaders to resolve problems and provide them with an ongoing sense of clarity and purpose.

It is the latter part that interests us at this point, because it highlights the almost docile approach that followers evince toward their leader, the belief that s/he can do no wrong and is above reproach. Now take a look at this exchange found on the Social Affairs Unit website. It focuses on an interview with the Galway cult leader and in the comments section a rather vitriolic exchange takes place.

What is interesting is how this character, Yusuf Pender, wades in with the following:
This so called Journalist is a hack and an Islamophobe. This is a total misrepresentation of our conversation and most of it is made up. Iman Ibrahim is a very pios, intelegent Muslim (I know my spelling is crap) and gave that interview in good faith.

As for the comments his ex-wife made...well a day dosent pass when he dosent talk about his children but his wife wont let him see them becouse she is....well she is not telling the truth.

The Daily Mail is a racist brit paper with an anti Catholic & Anti-Islamic agenda. And his wife is not old... she is only 35....ageism..

So Byeeeeeee..........

In one fail swoop, all other comments are cast aside as untruths - why? Well, we believe the answer can be found here at CultWatch

Monday, June 21, 2010

Ahmadi Exaggerations

It's said that nothing makes a fish bigger than almost being caught, and that's well and good for something that cannot be proven either way, but Ahmadis should know better than to try pull the wool over people's eyes when it comes to their actual numbers.

Take for instance their much lauded 'Peace' conference last Saturday. On a blog associated with the cult in Galway, the blogger noted
Attendance exceeded expectation
...what the expectations were nobody knows but what was very obvious from the photos (carefully angled to make sure the empty seats weren't visible) was that the vast majority of those in attendance were not Ahmadi cultists, but guests (who looked like they really wanted to be somewhere else).

The Ahmadi problem with exaggeration has been well documented here,here and here. And like the proverbial fish that got away, the Ahmadi cultists will soon find that their exaggerations fall on deaf ears.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Islam vs Ahmadiyya

Interesting series of videos with brother Akbar, formally an Ahmadi and now a true Muslim. Listen carefully to the constant recourse to the 'metaphorical' to explain away the utter ridiculousness that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad claimed.

Ahmadiyya and Women


1. Ahmadi women cannot become Ameer (national head) or President (local head) or Khalifa (international head) of the Ahmadiyya.

2. Ahmadi women cannot become Murabbi (spiritual adviser) or hold any other religious rank within the Ahmadiyya.

3. Wearing the Indian-style burqa is a tradition that the Ahmadiyya have carried to all parts of the world. Every one of their leaders, including the current one, has insisted on women wearing it.

4. Take a look at this video, noticeable by their absence are the Ahmadi women - why?

Far from the 'progressive' movement this cult presents itself as, it really falls short of the mark in terms of justice.